When Davies Colors SM North

Color plays a vitally important role in the world in which we live. Color can sway thinking, change actions, and cause reactions. Color have an incredible power beyond the ability to beautify our surroundings, colors have the power to trigger memories and stir emotions. Color inspire our creativity and our expressions. Color communicate personal and universal meanings and represent a spectrum of personalities and identities.

Looking for Instagram worthy backdrops for your next photo-shoot?

Calling all Millennials with #FeedGoals Visit #ColorGram#DaviesColorsSMNorth this is truly a #FirstDibsAtSM

We wasn’t able to go to the other side, we heard that the colorful ball pits was in the Annex Building. it also has a Php150.00 fee to get in the ball pit area. Its best to go early so that you can take pictures using natural lighting (that was our mistake not to go in an earlier time) the line can be pretty long because its free for the public but only 20 people are allowed to get inside within 10 minutes so that everyone will have space to take pictures. 

This will be free to the public from March 05 - March 22, 2018.


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