More SWEETS Please!

You can never have too much sweets! A part of the Ice Cream Museum in the US this is first in the Philippines that has a museum made out of desserts.

I first discovered a post on my Facebook timeline about it and because I am a sucker for cute stuff I checked their Facebook page and learnt that they will be opening their doors to the public in February 10 2018. They even have an online giveaway for 1 VIP Access on their opening day, since I am a "CONTESERA" I joined unfortunately I did get picked.

But still even though I didn't win I bought one day pass for Php699.00 they are at a discounted price of Php100.00 off.

When you get inside the museum you will be guided by tour guides in every room, first go to inside the giant donut you can either slide or go down the stairs, but make sure when you choose to slide be careful for it is slippery you can bump on a donut that is solid hard rock. 

Oh and did I mentioned the 6 rooms has free desserts in it? Yes you read it right! its free! you just have to present your museum bracelets for them to scan it. 

I know desserts can be thirsty too! so to quench your thirst there is a bottle water seller around every room to sell water for Php30.00 each.  

It has 8 sweet rooms that are Instagram worthy backdrops.

1. Donut Room

2. Marshmallow Room

3. Naughty or Nice Room

4. Ice Cream Room

5. Gumball Room
6. Gummy Bear Room

7. Cotton Candy Room

8. Cake Pop Room

The cotton candy room and gummy bear room is my personal fave because I get to be in a bath tub and pose a little bit sexy and also cotton candy room because of its pinkish ambiance.
At the end of the tour you will end up with a store full of Dessert Museum Merchandise and also you will get to print your own picture using their printing machines like a Polaroid like picture but for a cost of Php50.00 per photo. There are magnets, t-shirts, gumball toy machines, cake decorations, and more!
it was a sweet filled day that I had and I can't wait to visit again to take photos of me or my friends and family!

till then here is a video that I made when on its first day of sweetness!


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