Skin Care Month

September is Skin Care Awareness Month. I have been wanting to do a blog about skin care for months now and what a better way for me to share this blog is with my fellow Bellas that has the same interests when it comes to skin care. We have been using skin care products since we were a baby. As I grow up I became more conscious about how I look, puberty came along the picture my skin started to grow acne, blemishes, oils and uneven skin tone and don't forget about Aunt Flow who visits me every month. I feel embarrassed on myself, I have suffered acne breakouts while I was an HRM college sophomore my acne just keeps on popping out of my skin and I couldn't wear makeup I feel stressed out and feel hopeless. I started going to facial sessions and bought a lot of anti acne toners, creams and facial cleansers and moisturizers. It did reduced acne breakouts, oiliness and my blemishes are gone. I used Celeteque Dermo Science skin care line back then and I can say it ...